Polycarbonate Chemical Resistance

E = excellent resistance: no etching B=Good res. little etching after 30 days exposure to reagent.
= Fair resistance, etching after 7 days exposure to reagent N= not recommended

Side by Side Material Comparison Chemical Resistance Chart (Note: Large File)

Reagent PC
  20C 50C
Actaldehyde S N
Acetone N N
Acetic acid E B
Aluminum hydroxide S N
Ammonium chlodide E E
Ammonium hydroxide 5% S N
Ammonium hydroxide 28% N N
Amyl chloride N N
Aniline S N
Banzaldehyde S N
Benzene N N
Boric acid E E
Bromine S N
Bromoform N N
Butadiene N N
Butyl acetate N N
Butyl Alcohol B S
Butyric acid S N
Calcium hydroxide N N
Calcium hypochloride S N
Carbon disulphide N N
Carbon tetrachloride N N
Cellosolve S N
Chlorine in air E B
Chlorine (moist) B S
Chloroform N N
Citric add. E E
Cresol N N
Cyclohexane E B
p-dichlorobenzene N N
Diethylene glycol B S
Diethylene formamide N N
Dioxane B S
Ethyl acetate N N
Ethyl alcohol E B
Ethyl chloride N N
Ethylene chloride N N
Ethylene oxide S N
Ethyl ether N N
Formaldehyde E B
Formic acid E S
Gasoline S S
Hexane N N
Hydrochloric acid 35% N N
Hydrofluoric acid N N
Hydrogen peroxide E E
Kerosene B S
Lactic acid E B
Methyl alcohol B S
Methyl ethyl ketone N N
Methyl isobutyl ketone N N
Methylene chloride N N
Mineral oil E B
Nitric acid 1-10% E B
Nitric acid 50% B S
Nitric acid 65% S N
Nitrobenzene N N
Perchloric acid N N
Petroleum ether S N
Phenol E N
Phosphoric acid 85% E B
Potassium bichromate E B
Potassium hydroxide conc. N N
Potassium permanganate E B
Propane S N
Propylene glycol S N
Silver nitrate B S
Sodium hydroxide conc. S S
Sodium hypochloride N N
Sulfuric acid 20% B S
Sulfuric acid 98% E B
Tetrahydrofuran N N
Thionil chloride N N
Toluene N N
Trichloroacetic acid S N
sim-trichloroethane N N
Trichloroethylene N N
Turpentine S N
Urea N N
Xylene N N